Monday 14 March 2011

I have chosen to do my project on the opening sequence of O Brother Where Art thou. The opening begins to  paint a picture of the 30s at the very start, including a chain gang breaking stones and singing. The late 30's themed music sets a mood of a depressed southern America. The dusty road sets the backdrop for the rest of the film, establishing a clear setting very early.The repetitive sound of the pick axe hitting the stones  sets monotonous tension, and gives the viewer an impression on prison life at the time. The prison gaurd patrolling the area where the prisoners are working creates an oppressed atmosphere, and reflects the feeling sourrounding the era. The harsh conditions of the labour inspired the three men to escape even more than the thought  of freedom.Later on in the sequence, it shows the three men struggling to run as they are bound by chains, it gives an early impression that the three are close, but they lack communication with each other.This opening sequence appeals to me as i have an extended interest in the late 30's early 40's depression era and the social issues that were dealt with at the time.


  1. Great that you have chosen your film opening! But you have a lot more work to do ASAP! Complete this post by explaining in more detail what happens in the opening scene, how it connects to the film as a whole and then why it appealed to you specifically. Find a link to a video of the opening scene and include it here as well. Then you can move on to the next aspect of the assessment: how film techniques are used by the director to create a mood and atmosphere in the introduction. Look at the O Tamaiti exemplar to see how you need to set up your assessment and response. Creepy background! :)

  2. I am very worried that there is nothing new on here since last time I looked? Get cracking! Finish A & B quickly so you can focus on four techniques in more detail in C. You have homework since you won't have enough class time to finish now.

  3. OH NO. THIS IS DUE TOMORROW. You need to move quickly so you cover enough information to pass this assessment. Focus on writing the "describe" aspect for three techniques really clearly, with two examples for each. Get moving so you finish in time.
